2016 National Day of Action Plans
Your commitment to blood pressure awareness, detection, and control deserves to be recognized! The following organizations have shared their “action” plans with us. To be included in this list – as well as for our National Day of Action impact report – please share your plans with us by completing the four-question form available here. You can also submit your plans by emailing MUPDNationalDayofAction@amga.org.
- Access Healthcare (NC) – Access Healthcare, P.A., a medical practice devoted to affordable and high quality primary care, will participate in the National Day of Action through its social media channels.
- American Heart Association – The American Heart Association will promote the National Day of Action in its 2016 National High Blood Pressure Education Month Toolkit. In addition to promoting the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5, the American Heart Association will host a poll on Facebook and Twitter on May 5 with “Check Your Pressure, Know Your Numbers” messaging. The American Heart Association will promote and track the number blood pressure screenings throughout April and May as part of World Hypertension Day. To incorporate the National Day of Action, AHA will track the number of users who click the “I’ve checked my blood pressure” button on Heart.org/HBP on May 5.
- American Heart Association Kansas – The American Heart Association Kansas affiliate will participate in the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5 through its @AHAKansas handle.
- American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Affiliate – The American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Affiliate – which leads activities in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina – will participate in the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5 through its @MidAtlnticHeart handle. The American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Affiliate will also share blood pressure education information through its social media channels on the National Day of Action.
- American Medical Association – The American Medical Association (AMA) will participate in the National Day of Action through social media, publications, and internal communications. For social media, AMA will participate in the #HBPchat Twitter chat as well as share other posts. In its May 2 edition of AMA Wire, AMA will highlight the National Day of Action and share relevant blood pressure management resources and information. Throughout the month, AMA will highlight National High Blood Pressure Education Month on digital signage in office elevator banks and encourage employee blood pressure screenings.
- AMGA – AMGA will host a heart-healthy lunch for its employees on May 5, as well as offer a CPR training to staff. During the lunch, staff will participate in a high blood pressure trivia contest with prizes.
- AMGA Foundation – AMGA Foundation will host a heart-healthy lunch for its employees on May 5, as well as offer a CPR training to staff. During the lunch, staff will participate in a high blood pressure trivia contest with prizes.
- AMGA Analytics – AMGA Analytics will host a heart-healthy lunch for its employees on May 5, as well as offer a CPR training to staff. During the lunch, staff will participate in a high blood pressure trivia contest with prizes.
- Austin Diagnostic Clinic (TX) – Austin Diagnostic Clinic will provide free blood pressure screenings at its north clinic from 11am to 1pm on the National Day of Action. Throughout the month of May, Austin Diagnostic Clinic will provide “Know Your Numbers” cards to patients to record blood pressure readings in the office. Austin Diagnostic Clinic will also provide information about blood pressure and healthy living on its website and social media channels throughout National High Blood Pressure Education Month in May.
- Austin Regional Clinic (TX) – Outreach specialists at Austin Regional Clinic will call patients with high blood pressure that have not visited their primary care provider in over a year during National High Blood Pressure Education and schedule a follow-up appointment accordingly. Patients unable to schedule an appointment will be offered educational information. Additionally, Austin Regional Clinic will leverage social media and its website to feature the National Day of Action.
- AVID Design (GA) – AVID Design is hosting a week of heart-healthy activities to commemorate the National Day of Action, starting with a heart-healthy lunch we're providing to our employees on Monday, encouraging our team to get outside and make healthy lifestyle choices this week, and ending with a field trip of a lunchtime walk to the local pharmacy to get a blood pressure check.
- Baylor College of Medicine (TX) – Baylor College of Medicine will share information about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action via its Twitter and Facebook pages on May 5. In addition, wellness champions will distribute heart-healthy tips. Additionally, Baylor College of Medicine will host onsite biometric screenings from April through June at many of its locations.
- CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention – The CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention shared information about the #HBPchat Twitter chat via emails to supporters.
- Centura Health Physician Group (CO) – Centura Health Physician Group will take three “actions” on May 5. First, all associates will learn about the National Day of Action via a newsletter. In that newsletter, practice teams will be invited to wear red and submit a team picture to show their involvement. Secondly, practices that have achieved 80% hypertension control or greater will be recognized by Centura Health Physician Group. Lastly, the organization will promote its efforts via media by disseminating a press release and offering an interview with its medical director about community hypertension awareness and the role of the primary care provider.
- Claremore Indian Hospital (OK) – A first-time National Day of Action participant, Claremore Indian Hospital will educate its stakeholders about the importance of blood pressure management by distributing materials developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("Your Choice for Change! Honoring the Gift of Heart Health for American Indians”) to patients and displaying the Measure Up/Pressure Down® “Choose Your Path” video in clinic waiting areas. Bulletin boards and posters will also recognized the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action. Additionally, “nurse only visits” will be utilized and offer more one-on-one time with patients for personalized evaluation of educational needs both the patient and their family. Claremore Indian Hospital administration and leadership will also be involved in planning and further commitments.
- Clayton County Board of Health (GA) – Clayton County Board of Health, partners in the Healthy Is Strong project affiliated with Million Hearts®, is hosting a local blood pressure screening with the Primary Health Clinic at Clayton State University on the National Day of Action from 11am-1pm. In addition to checking blood pressures, Clayton County Board of Health and the Primary Health Clinic at Clayton State University will provide educational materials about high blood pressure prevention and provide linkage to primary care services for those who need it.
- Clinica Sierra Vista (CA) – As part of the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action on May 5, Clinica Sierra Vista will partner with the Fresno County Department of Public Health to provide free blood pressure screenings in conjunction with Cinco de Mayo festivities, traditionally held at the Fulton Mall, which is adjacent to the Fresno County Department of Public Health. The screenings are estimated to reach approximately 1,500 low-income, uninsured residents. Clinica Sierra Vista will also work with the City of Fresno elected officials, including the Mayor’s Office, to issue a proclamation designated its participation in the National Day of Action. And, to reach clinical providers and non-clinical staff, Clinica Sierra Vista will host a brown bag lunch to help promote, educate, and engage staff on the importance of staying healthy. Clinica Sierra Vista is a Federally Qualified Health Center that has offered high quality and comprehensive primary and preventative health care services for 45 years to the underserved population in Fresno, California.
- Colorado Springs Health Partners (CO) – Colorado Springs Health Partners will offer free blood pressure screenings in conjunction with the National Day of Action and National High Blood Pressure Education Month at its 9Health Fair and US Air Force Academy Health Fair, with an estimated reach of over 500 participants. Additionally, Colorado Springs Health Partners will distribute copies of educational materials at its clinics and post information to its social media pages.
- Dodge Communications (GA) – Since many people do not know they have high blood pressure, Dodge Communications will host a free building-wide blood pressure screening in the afternoon of the National Day of Action. Two local registered nurses are planning to provide the screenings and Measure Up/Pressure Down® educational materials will be available for people to view and take with them. The announcement about the screening will be distributed via email to all Dodge Communications employees as well as the other business in the building with an invitation to participate. In addition, Dodge plans to promote the campaign and the National Day of Action via its social media platforms.
- Esse Health (MO) – Esse Health’s 2016 National Day of Action efforts will reach many different audiences – from patients and staff to media members. Nurses at 35 locations will offer free blood pressure checks to visitors. Patients will learn about high blood pressure through tip sheets and other educational materials, while staff will leverage healthy competition with a hypertension quiz. Content about high blood pressure will be posted on the intranet as well as in Esse Extra and Wellness Wednesday’s BlogSpot. Esse Health will also take “actions” via social media – including participating in the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5 from 1-2pm Eastern hosted by Measure Up/Pressure Down® and Million Hearts® and playing the “Choose Your Path” video on its Facebook page. Local television stations will also be offered interviews with Esse providers to raise awareness about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action.
- Fogelman Downtown YMCA (TN) – The Fogelman Downtown YMCA, located in Memphis, will share information about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action on its social media channels.
- Fresno County Department of Public Health (CA) – As part of the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action on May 5, the Fresno County Department of Public Health will partner with Clinica Sierra Vista to provide free blood pressure screenings in conjunction with Cinco de Mayo festivities, traditionally held at the Fulton Mall, which is adjacent to the Fresno County Department of Public Health. The screenings are estimated to reach approximately 1,500 low-income, uninsured residents.
- Greater Medford Visiting Nurse Association (MA) – A nurse from the Greater Medford Visiting Nurse Association will be at the Brookline Senior Center to do blood pressure screenings and help with health questions on May 5. For details, click here.
- HealthPartners (MN) – HealthPartners will support the National Day of Action with Facebook and Twitter posts linking to a blog post on its website, “Hypertension is a ‘silent killer.’”
- HealthyWomen – HealthyWomen will post an article to its WomenTALK blog on May 5 about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action.
- Henry Ford Health System (MI) – Henry Ford Health System will disseminate a newsletter devoted to blood pressure control and the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign on the National Day of Action. The “Blood Pressure Matters” newsletter will include facts, impact of the campaign, team member spotlight, patient feedback, and recent honors.
- Home Health Quality Improvement National Campaign – Home Health Quality Improvement National Campaign will feature the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action in its May HHQI Inside Edition email newsletter, which reaches 18,000 subscribers, as well as sharing educational information through its social media channels.
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement – The Institute for Healthcare Improvement will feature the National Day of Action on its website as a spotlight item. This will appear on its Triple Aim Focus Area home page.
- Intermountain Healthcare (UT) – Intermountain Healthcare will utilize the web, social media, and technology for its 2016 National Day of Action efforts. On its website, Intermountain Healthcare will highlight National High Blood Pressure Education Month with a banner on its internal homepage that links to a blog post about blood pressure. The blog will include educational information, as well as how to take better care of blood pressure and collaboration needed with the provider. The organization’s system-wide newsletter – distributed to patients and families as well as employees – will feature one of Intermountain’s clinic and the efforts to improve blood pressure management. Social media efforts will feature posts about high blood pressure facts, while a LiveWell text message/email campaign will educate and provide reminders about blood pressure.
- Lourdes Hospital (NY) – Lourdes Hospital offers free blood pressure screenings every Tuesday and Thursday – including on the National Day of Action – in its Vestal lobby location from 8 am to noon.
- Lynn Community Health Center (MA) – Lynn Community Health Center, a non-profit, multicultural, community health center in Lynn, MA, will educate its patients, staff, and community about high blood pressure and the importance of blood pressure management on the National Day of Action. On May 5, Lynn Community Health Center will set up a table in its lobby with educational materials and its programs related to high blood pressure. Staff will be on hand to take blood pressures and record readings in the patient charts. Giveaways will include hand sanitizer as well as apples to encourage healthy eating. The Measure Up/Pressure Down® “Choose Your Path” video will also be displayed. Population Health Coordinators will also reach out to those patients with a hypertension diagnosis who have not been seen in six months or longer to schedule a visit with their primary care provider. Additionally, all staff will be encouraged to wear red on the National Day of Action and stop by the lobby table for a free blood pressure reading. Information about the National Day of Action will also be shared on its Facebook page, website, and at the Center’s front desk.
- MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center (MD) – The MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center will promote the National Day of Action and its work on enhancing blood pressure outcomes on its Facebook page on May 5.
- MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center – Department of Family Medicine (MD) – The MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center’s Family Health Center will promote the National Day of Action and its work on enhancing blood pressure outcomes on its Family Medicine Facebook page on May 5.
- Men’s Health Network – In its third consecutive year of participating in the National Day of Action, Men’s Health Network will promote the event via social media, participate in the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5, and place information about the event and blood pressure in its Healthy E-Male newsletter.
- Mercy Clinic East Communities (MO) – For the third time in as many years, Mercy Clinic East Communities will participate in the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action: Roll Up Your Sleeves!. In honor of the day, the Café Mosaic and Washington Hospital Cafeterias will provide a healthy lunch special. Prior to May 5, Mercy Clinic East Communities will distribute a flier that will provide information on the meal, as well as information on high blood pressure and steps that can be taken to prevent or reduce high blood pressure. The organization will also take to the web, social media, and media to share information. Mercy Clinic East Communities will post an article on its website as well as in their employee and physician newsletters. Social media posts will be disseminated via Facebook and Twitter, and their efforts will be featured in The Missourian and St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
- Midwest Operating Engineers (IL) – Midwest Operating Engineers will partner with its local health center to promote education about hypertension on the National Day of Action. Midwest Operating Engineers will use hypertension tip sheets and materials provided by Premise Health, stressing the importance of management for those with hypertension and promotion of healthy lifestyle changes to all employees.
- Milliken and Company – Limestone Plant (Formerly Springfield LLC) (SC) – Milliken and Company – Limestone Plant, a cloth and yarn manufacturer, will provide blood pressure screenings to its associates in their canteen area. The organization’s on-site nurse in the Occupational Health clinic as well as Health & Wellness Committee Members will be on site to distribute educational materials, offer a giveaway drawing, and more.
- Million Hearts® – In conjunction with the National Day of Action, Million Hearts® will announce its 2015 Hypertension Control Champions on May 5. The Million Hearts® Hypertension Control Challenge is a competition to identify practices, clinicians, and health systems that have worked with their patients to achieve hypertension control rates at or above 70% through innovations in health information technology and electronic health records, patient communication, and health care team approaches. In addition, Million Hearts® will co-host the #HBPchat on Twitter on Thursday, May 5. Million Hearts® also will feature the National Day of Action in its April e-Update to increase awareness among its partners and other stakeholders, as well as post an article titled “5 Surprising Facts About High Blood Pressure” to its website in May.
- Mississippi State Department of Health/Delta Health Collaborative (MS) – The Mississippi Delta Health Collaborative will conduct blood pressure screenings throughout the Mississippi Delta 18-county region. Barbers that have been trained as health advocates will conduct screenings on May 5 among their clientele. Additionally, congregational health nurses and advocates will offer blood pressure screenings to congregants and community members. The municipalities will issue a press release and a proclamation for the National Day of Action.
- National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention – The National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention will encourage the National Day of Action in its April Action Update electronic newsletter.
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) will participate in the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5 through its @NINDSnews handle.
- NEA Baptist Clinic – NEA Baptist plans to engage both internal (employees) and external (patients and the public) for their National Day of Action efforts. Leading up to May 5, NEA Baptist will send internal email announcements to employees as well as post information about the Day of Action on its social media channels using the #MUPDNationalDayofAction hashtag. On the National Day of Action, both the public and employees will be offered free blood pressure screenings. For the public, the screening will be held in the NEA Baptist Clinic lobby from 9-11 a.m. Participants will receive educational materials as well as entry into portable blood pressure monitors and other prize giveaways. For employees, all hospital, clinics, and cancer centers will designate a team member to measure blood pressures. Every employee who participates will be entered into a drawing for prizes and departments with a minimum of 80% participation will enter a giveaway for a lunch party. Throughout the day, NEA Baptist Clinic will share educational information and promotional posts on its social media channels – including photos of the employee blood pressure screening. NEA Baptist Clinic will utilize both the intranet and its public-facing website to promote the event. And, media will feature an “Ask the Expert” column on hypertension by Dr. Adam Woodruff. Local radio stations and media outlets will also promote high blood pressure awareness and this observance. Other employee engagement efforts include a walking route on campus and dissemination of a blood pressure screening training video. Patients and the public will also see signage in clinics/hospitals that promote the National Day of Action and blood pressure awareness, while free educational materials will be provided to all audiences.
- New West Physicians (CO) – As part of the National Day of Action, New West Physicians will provide a refresher training to medical assistants on May 5. Clinical and operations managers will assist with re-training the medical assistants to improve the quality of care for its patients with high blood pressure. Additionally, staff will wear “Ask Me About Measure Up/Pressure Down®” buttons throughout National High Blood Pressure Education Month. Patients and staff will also learn more about high blood pressure through educational resources as well as social media posts (e.g., Facebook, Google+, Twitter) and the blog in May. Additionally, New West Physicians will focus on the use of aldosterone inhibitors in resistant hypertension, as this drug class has an evidence-base to support a greater blood pressure reduction compared to other drug classes, according to New West Physicians.
- Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (GA) – On May 5, Northeast Georgia Physicians Group will take part in a community health fair, where there will be healthy cooking and exercise demonstrations as well as information on ways to better control blood pressure. Patients will be provided with a 30 day follow-up reminder card as a tangible reminder for patients to return to the office to have their blood pressure checked. Northeast Georgia Physicians Group will also send Premier Medical Associates’ Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement video to all clinical staff as a refresher on proper blood pressure measurement techniques. A special prize will be given to individuals observed using the techniques shown in the video. The prizes will be awarded throughout the month of May. A CEU event in May will also feature a Measure Up/Pressure Down® webinar recording from Dr. Victor Montori about multiple chronic conditions and high blood pressure.
- Northlake Family Practice - Reginald Parker, MD (SC) – Northlake Family Practice will display the “Choose Your Path” patient education video on televisions in its clinic on the National Day of Action and integrate the video into its regular playlist.
- Ottawa Dental Laboratory, LLC (IL) – Ottawa Dental Laboratory, LLC, one of the Healthiest 100 Workplaces in America, will share information with its employees via an office bulletin board. In addition, Ottawa Dental Laboratory will use its website and social media – including LinkedIn – to share an article about high blood pressure.
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation – Sutter Health (CA) – Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Sutter Health will expand involvement of extended care teams and specialists to impact blood pressure control and promote awareness of our blood pressure management performance on the National Day of Action.
- The Polyclinic (WA) – The Polyclinic will use the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action to increase awareness of hypertension and high blood pressure among Polyclinic providers and staff as well as existing Polyclinic patients. To help physicians and staff members understand that hypertension management is a clinic-wide quality initiative, The Polyclinic will create a hypertension quiz posted on its intranet news site, Pulse. To generate interest, an announcement about the quiz will be made earlier in the week, and prizes will be offered. Additionally, employees will receive a clinic-wide email that features a link to the hypertension quiz as well as helpful resources on its website as well as the Measure Up/Pressure Down® website. Existing patients will learn about the Day of Action efforts and the importance of high blood pressure management through its website, Facebook post, and signage in waiting room areas at all clinic locations. Polyclinic.com will feature a blood post about controlling high blood pressure, resources about blood pressure, and a homepage tile for easy access to the aforementioned information.
- Premier Medical Associates (PA) – In its third consecutive National Day of Action participation, Premier Medical Associates will send a letter to its patients highlighting the National Day of Action and encouraging patients to have their blood pressure measured and take steps to manage the disease. In addition, staff will also be asked to wear a red shirt instead of their normal blue scrubs on May 5 to encourage patients to inquire and raise awareness about the event.
- President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition – The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition will leverage its Twitter handle (@FitnessGov) to promote the connection between high blood pressure and two of its priorities: healthy eating and physical activity.
- Prevea Health (WI) – Prevea Health will offer free blood pressure checks to staff members at Prevea Health and Leadwell company-based clinics within in the community on May 5. In addition, Prevea Health will leverage its existing communications channels – including its intranet, Prevea.com, Prevea Press, Prevea Family News, and social media – to promote high blood pressure awareness, detection, and control on the National Day of Action. Stickers and handouts will also be offered to educate and engage patients, while staff members will receive a quiz on hypertension. Those completing the quiz will receive wellness points and those who score perfectly will be entered into a drawing for prizes.
- Primary Health Clinic at Clayton State University – Clayton County Board of Health, partners in the Healthy Is Strong project affiliated with Million Hearts®, is hosting a local blood pressure screening with the Primary Health Clinic at Clayton State University on the National Day of Action from 11am-1pm. In addition to checking blood pressures, Clayton County Board of Health and the Primary Health Clinic at Clayton State University will provide educational materials about high blood pressure prevention and provide linkage to primary care services for those who need it.
- PriMED Physicians (OH) – PriMED Physicians plans to disseminate an educational wallet card for patients called “Trust the Cuff” that offers six suggestions for getting the most accurate blood pressure measurement.
- Ralphs Pharmacy (CA) – All Ralphs Pharmacies in southern California will provide free blood pressure screening, as well as counseling on blood pressure, physical activity, and nutrition to grocery customers on May 5.
- Redwood Community Health Coalition (CA) – Redwood Community Health Coalition is planning to promote high blood pressure awareness to its member community health centers through its member newsletter in May and encourage them to join us and take an “action” to increase awareness and control of high blood pressure in the community.
- Samuel Chapel United Methodist Church (MS) – The Samuel Chapel United Methodist Church in Itta Bena will partner with the National Day of Prayer to conduct blood pressure screenings in support of Blood Pressure Education Month. Partners from Mississippi Valley State University Fitness Center and Health Team Members will conduct screening and provide resources for education in the City Hall on Thursday, May 5, 2016. Samuel Chapel United Methodist Church also developed a flier and community announcement, distributed it to the news media, and posted it across town. It will also collect blood pressure readings as part of a health initiative with the Delta Health Collaborative.
- San Marcos Activity Center (TX) – The San Marcos Activity Center, in conjunction with Comfort Connection, will offer free blood pressure screenings at the Activity Center before bingo on May 5.
- South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control Midlands Public Health Region (SC) – The South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control Midlands Public Health Region will coordinate free community blood pressure screenings during National High Blood Pressure Education Month and disseminate the Measure Up/Pressure Down® “Choose Your Path” patient video to local providers.
- Southern New Hampshire Health System (NH) – Southern New Hampshire Health System will again participate in the National Day of Action event. On May 5, Southern New Hampshire Health System will educate visitors about high blood pressure with an informational table as well as informational posters in the main lobby, cafeteria, and Cardiac Rehab gym.
- Southwest Michigan First (MI) – Southwest Michigan First will share information about high blood pressure’s effects in the workplace on the National Day of Action.
- Summit Medical Group (NJ) – Summit Medical Group will have a social media post to raise awareness about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action on May 5.
- Sutter Health – Palo Alto Medical Foundation (CA) – Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Sutter Health will expand involvement of extended care teams and specialists to impact blood pressure control and promote awareness of our blood pressure management performance on the National Day of Action.
- The Big Squeeze (SD) – The Big Squeeze will extend its annual April screening and awareness event to include the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action. This will include community blood pressure screenings at the opening weekend of the local farmer’s market. The mission of The Big Squeeze is to increase awareness of hypertension (high blood pressure) and the need for screenings throughout the Sioux Falls community.
- The Heart Truth® – The Heart Truth®, a program of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute that aims to make women more aware of the danger of heart disease, will participate in the National Day of Action through its social media channels. On May 5, The Heart Truth® will share blood pressure content with the #MUPDNationalDayofAction hashtag on both Facebook and Twitter, as well as participate in the #HBPchat on Twitter.
- The Obesity Society – The Obesity Society will promote the National Day of Action in its May 4 eNewsletter. In addition, The Obesity Society will post information about high blood pressure and obesity to its Twitter and Facebook platforms on May 5.
- UnityPoint Clinic (IA) – UnityPoint Clinic will engage clinical staff through focused education on the importance of blood pressure protocol and offer demonstrations during the month of May. Additionally, UnityPoint Clinic will post its blood pressure protocol education on its internal Intranet site on May 5 as well as share information on hypertension management – including the Measure Up/Pressure Down® infographic and “Six Steps to Control Your Blood Pressure” content - on its website and social media accounts.
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (TX) – The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio will display the Measure Up/Pressure Down® “Choose Your Path” patient videos on waiting room televisions on the National Day of Action.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Region II – Office of the Regional Administrator – For the second consecutive year, HHS OASH Region II will support the National Day of Action with a special e-newsletter and social media posts on its Twitter channel (@HHS_OASHRegion2). It’s social media efforts will also extend to participation in the May 5 #HBPchat hosted by Measure Up/Pressure Down® and Million Hearts®. This year, HHS OASH Region II will also offer blood pressure screenings and educational health materials on May 5 at a Wellness Fair with Federal Occupational Health.
- USMD Health System (TX) – USMD Health System will share information about blood pressure management throughout the month of May. Actions will include distribution of its “Difference Digest” email to staff; dissemination of the May/June employee newsletter; posts on its Facebook page; and presentation of the American Medical Association’s “7 Simple Tips to Get an Accurate Blood Pressure Reading” information at is May Clinical Team meetings.
- Watson Clinic, LLP (FL) – Watson Clinic, LLC will participate in its third consecutive National Day of Action. This year, educational handouts will be displayed at the front entrance and main check-in desks for patients. Posters will also be displayed throughout the clinic. On May 5, the building cafeteria will offer a heart-healthy menu that all visitors can enjoy.
- Wellmont Health System (TN) – Wellmont Health System will share information about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action via social media and on billboard outside of its clinics.
- Western Illinois Home Health Care of Monmouth (IL) – Western Illinois Home Health Care of Monmouth will offer free blood pressure screenings throughout National High Blood Pressure Education Month, including on the National Day of Action. A list of times and locations is available here.
- WESTMED Medical Group (NY) – WESTMED Medical Group will share information about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action using its Facebook and Twitter pages. Messaging will include the good news about WESTMED’s impressive 84% success rate in the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and commitment blood pressure awareness and education. WESTMED Medical Group also plans to post a news item on its website homepage discussing the importance of the “3 M’s” – Measure, Monitor and Maintain.
- Wilmington Health (NC) – Wilmington Health will post content about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action to its Facebook page, website, and billboard image rotators for the entirety of National High Blood Pressure Education Month. On May 5, Wilmington Health will also offer free blood pressure screenings at a community event.
- Withings – Withings, which invents smart products and apps, will participate in the May 5 Twitter chat (#HBPchat) as well as donate a Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor as a giveaway for one lucky chat participant. All blood pressures taken with the Withings device on May 5 will also be reported as actions. Withings will also share the “Choose Your Path” patient video on the National Day of Action. Its blood pressure efforts will continue throughout National High Blood Pressure Education month via social and traditional media.
- WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease – This year, WomenHeart plans to participate in the Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action: Roll Up Your Sleeve! event by hosting an employee walk to the National Mall from its office in Washington, DC. Studies have shown that walking can lower risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes--all risk factors for heart disease.
- Women's Heart Alliance – Women’s Heart Alliance and its Fight the Lady Killer™ initiative will support the National Day of Action through social media promotion and participation in the #HBPchat Twitter chat on May 5. Women’s Heart Alliance will share its #getHeartChecked infographic and wallet cares, as well as a new infographic on seven ways to lower blood pressure. Women’s Heart Alliance will also promote and participate in the Twitter chat through its @FightLadykiller handle.
- YMCA of Greater Cincinnati (OH) – The YMCA of Greater Cincinnati will display the Measure Up/Pressure Down® “Choose Your Path” video on its lobby video boards on the National Day of Action.
- YMCA of Memphis (TN) – The YMCA of Memphis will share information about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action on its social media channels.
- YMCA of the USA – Through its national office, the YMCA of the USA will engage more than its more than 10,000 communities. Specific actions will include participation in the May 5 #HBPchat and social media posts about blood pressure management. The YMCA of the USA will also focus on one of its key tenets – healthy living – by sharing Measure Up/Pressure Down® tip sheets and the “Choose Your Path” patient video with local Ys for education.