National Day of Action: Roll Up Your Sleeves! Participants
The American Medical Group Foundation will host the first ever
Measure Up/Pressure Down® National Day of Action: Roll Up Your
Sleeves! on Thursday, May 15, 2014. On this day, we encourage all
Measure Up/Pressure Down® supporters to roll up their sleeves and
join together in their respective communities and participate in at
least one “action” to raise awareness of high blood pressure – to
patients, providers, employees, or the general public.
Please click on the [+] below next to each campaign support to find out more about their “action” plans for May 15.
If your organization is rolling up its sleeves for blood pressure control on May 15, it is not too late to share your plans! Submit your plans by email or web form so we can publicly recognize your participation and measure the impact and success of the event.
Last updated: May 16, 2014
Medical Groups
- Arch Health Partners
(CA) [+]
Arch Health Partners will start its first hypertension support group for patients during National High Blood Pressure Education Month on May 14. The support group will meet the second Wednesday of every month. The organization will also offer blood pressure screenings and information about Measure Up/Pressure Down™ and the National Day of Action at the City of Escondido Street Fair on May 18. In addition, Arch Health Partners added a Measure Up/Pressure Down® web badge and blood pressure education content, available here.
- Austin Regional Clinic
(TX) [+]
On the National Day of Action, Austin Regional Clinic will offer free blood pressure screenings to the public. Providers will be on-hand to address any participants that have high blood pressure. Information including time and location, as well as Austin Regional Clinic’s commitment to the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign, is available here. Patients will also receive free health education materials and blood pressure cards to track their blood pressure readings. Austin Regional Clinic is also reaching out to the media to share patient stories, promoting the MUPD campaign on radio, and utilizing social media channels and website promotion to raise awareness and participation. Internally, Austin Regional Clinic is creating a practice-wide pledge to show its commitment to improving blood pressure control.
- Baptist Medical Group
(TN) [+]
Baptist Medical Group wants their employees to be healthy and know their numbers. The Memphis-based organization is asking every BMG employee to get their blood pressure checked on May 15 and record their reading. The clinic with the highest participation rate will be rewarded.
- The Baton Rouge
Clinic (LA) [+]
The Baton Rouge Clinic has scheduled blood pressure screenings, encouraging all 600 employees to "Know their Numbers.” Employees who are screened will receive a "Do you know your numbers?" button to wear throughout the month of May to increase patient awareness. The Baton Rouge Clinic will also hang a banner in the lobby to raise awareness of blood pressure and a sign promoting Measure Up/Pressure Down™ National Day of Action: Roll Up Your Sleeves! on May 15. Blood pressure screenings will be offered with “I Know My Numbers!” stickers for anyone who participates. Any blood pressure reading over 180/110 will be seen the same day by a physician. Educational materials will also be distributed.
- Centura Health Physician Group (CO) [+]
During the month of May, all Centura Health Physician Group patients diagnosed with hypertension will receive an educational video which highlights the importance of screening and controlling blood pressure. On May 15, diagnosed patients will receive an email from the Chief Medical Officer with blood pressure control information. Additionally, all employees will be encouraged to wear red to promote blood pressure control and awareness.
- Cleveland Clinic (OH) [+]
Cleveland Clinic will host a live health chat with a nephrologist on May 15 at 12 pm EST. “Resistant Hypertension: Get Your Questions Answered” online health chat will feature Dr. George Thomas, who specializes in resistant hypertension. Individuals and organizations can register for and join the chat here. A transcript will be available a week after the chat.
- Coastal Carolina Health Care, PA (NC) [+]
Coastal Carolina Health Care is teaching proper blood pressure technique to its direct care staff (campaign plank 1) on the National Day of Action and beyond.
- Colorado Springs
Health Partners (CO) [+]
Colorado Springs Health Partners will celebrate the National Day of Action by placing stoplight blood pressure posters in waiting rooms, distributing educational materials and blood pressure tracking cards to patients, and collaborating with the American Heart Association’s local chapter. Colorado Springs Health System will also share blood pressure information at a local health fair in early May. In addition, Colorado Springs Health System will promote blood pressure control and its campaign participation through social media channels and the monthly employee newsletter. Colorado Springs Health Partners also joined the campaign’s Thunderclap effort on social media.
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic (NH) [+]
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap.
- Deaconess Clinic (IN)
Deaconess Clinic will put blood pressure posters in its offices, present certificates of achievements to patients at blood pressure goal, provide educational information and tracking sheets to patients not at goal, and integrate the Measure Up/Pressure Down® Circulation Nation: Your Roadmap to Managing High Blood Pressure patient booklet into its efforts.
- Essentia Health (MN)
Essentia Health will offer high blood pressure education materials in patient waiting areas during the week of May 12-16. Essentia Health will also feature the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and National Day of Action in its internal employee newsletter, Daily Dose, and on its Facebook page.
- The Everett Clinic (WA)
The Everett Clinic will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign Thunderclap.
- HealthPartners (MN)
HealthPartners will highlight the National Day of Action and blood pressure control on its Facebook page.
- Inova Medical Group (VA)
Inova Medical Group will promote Measure Up/Pressure Down® via social media channel and flyers posted throughout practices. Patients will receive letters explaining high blood pressure, its risk factors, and how to manage the disease. Physicians will travel to five hospitals on May 15 to provide employees and patients with blood pressure screenings, educational materials, and giveaways. Blood pressure checks will also be promoted within the building and neighboring facilities. In addition, an Inova TV presentation to all employees will be displayed on lobby televisions.
- INTEGRIS Medical
Group (OK) [+]
INTEGRIS Medical Group will engage both employees and patients during National High Blood Pressure Education Month. The employee intranet website will feature a Measure Up/Pressure Down® banner ad, campaign videos developed by Dr. Meredith McKee (Internal Medicine), and a PowerPoint presentation explaining the campaign and showcasing various ways in which INTEGRIS Medical Group will raise awareness of and improve blood pressure control with patients. The presentation will also be distributed to all clinical staff directly. More than 250 INTEGRIS Medical Group staff across the state will wear red t-shirts with the INTEGRIS Medical Group and Measure Up/Pressure Down® logos as well as “Roll up your sleeves, INTEGRIS Medical Group!” text. In addition, each clinic will post a sign next to heart-healthy snacks for clinical staff and patients explaining the reason for the snacks and participation in the campaign.
- MedStar Physician Partners (MD) [+]
In recognition of National High Blood Pressure Education Month and the National Day of Action, the eight MedStar PromptCare urgent care centers will provide free blood pressure screenings, educational materials, and a blood pressure record pocket card to all patients, care companions, and visitors. MedStar Health will coordinate with primary care partners to see all patients with an elevated blood pressure on an urgent basis. In addition, MedStar Health will post content on its Facebook page and MedStar PromptCare blog, issue a media advisory, and publish articles in its internal newsletter.
- Mercy Clinics East Division (MO) [+]
Mercy Clinics East Division will engage media about high blood pressure and the National Day of Action to educate the public. Plans include a newspaper release, electronic releases on its website and social media channels, radio spots with a cardiologist, and other coverage. Articles in the Sullivan Independent News, available here, and The Missourian, available here, feature the involvement in Measure Up/Pressure Down®. Mercy Clinic East Division also joined the campaign’s Thunderclap effort on social media.
- Meridian Health
Resources (NJ) [+]
Meridian Health Resources will focus on staff engagement for the National Day of Action. The RN Population Health Nurses will visit seven practices during the week, where they will use the training curriculum provided in the Measure Up/Pressure Down® Provider Toolkit to hold an interactive discussion regarding blood pressure with the entire team, and then will observe each clinical team member taking a blood pressure. The team members will complete the evaluation and the RN will complete the observation form. This process will be used to enhance Meridian Health Resources’ current competency review, and will be rolled out at all 35 primary care practices over the next few months as they incorporate campaign plank 1 (direct care staff trained in accurate blood pressure measurement). Meridian Health Resources also joined the campaign’s Thunderclap effort on social media.
- Mid-Atlantic
Permanente Group (MD) [+]
In advance of the National Day of Action, the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Group will host a Twitter chat (#kpmaschat) about blood pressure with a physician on Wednesday, May 14. On May 15, free blood pressure screenings will be offered at nine sites, including a farmers market in Union Station in Washington, DC. Health education materials will also be on display. Individuals will be encouraged to share pictures on social media to win prizes.
- Mount Kisco Medical Group (NY) [+]
Mount Kisco Medical Group will promote the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and blood pressure control with social media posts on the National Day of Action.
- NEA Baptist (AR) [+]
NEA Baptist will engage employees, patients, and the public on the National Day of Action. All NEA Baptist employees at all locations will be offered free blood pressure screenings throughout the day. Every employee who participates will receive healthy snacks and be entered into a giveaway contest. Marketing efforts about the National Day of Action will include internal email announcements, internal websites, newsletter, and more. NEA Baptist will also integrate the National Day of Action with campaign plank 1 (direct care staff trained in accurate blood pressure measurement) by releasing a blood pressure screening training video on May 15. To engage patients and the public, NEA Baptist will host free screenings in the NEA Baptist Clinic lobby, where patients will receive a sticker and educational materials, and be entered into a giveaway. All patients in clinics will receive a blood pressure card to record their measurements. NEA Baptist will also utilize social media channels, an “Ask the Expert” column in their newspaper, radio and televisions spots, and website promotion to raise awareness and participation.
- New West Physicians (CO) [+]
New West Physicians will promote the National Day of Action on its social media channels. In addition, New West Physicians will feature information about the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign in its quarterly newsletter to continue to build awareness with patients about the initiative and the importance of blood pressure control.
- Novant Medical Group (NC) [+]
Throughout the month of May, Novant Medical Group will be conducting community wellness blood pressure screenings to help improve hypertension, diabetes, and obesity within the Winston-Salem community in North Carolina. Screenings will be held at various group facilities as well.
- Oregon Medical Group (OR) [+]
Oregon Medical Group will post educational fliers in exam rooms and patient waiting areas to raise awareness of blood pressure control and the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign. Staff also receive a resource card for placement on the sphygmomanometer as a reminder of accurate blood pressure measurement, treatment protocols, and targets.
- OU Physicians (OK) [+]
OU Physicians will promote the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and blood pressure control with social media posts on the National Day of Action.
- Premier Medical
Associates (PA) [+]
Staff will take part in a friendly competition on May 15 by bringing heart-healthy dishes for a lunch potluck. Doctor staff at each office will vote on their favorite heart-healthy dish and the winning employee will be awarded a gift card. Premier Medical Associates is also planning to have pins made with the Measure Up/Pressure Down™ logo for employees to wear beginning on the National Day of Action. To further train employees about proper blood pressure measurement, Premier Medical Associates will launch this video on May 15. A webpage about Premier’s commitment to Measure Up/Pressure Down® is available here. Premier Medical Associates is also requested and received a state-wide declaration for the National Day of Action from Governor Corbett, available here.
- Prevea Health
Services (WI) [+]
Prevea Health Services will reach both employees and patients on the National Day of Action. All staff are encouraged to get blood pressure checks and will receive temporary tattoos (“I Got My Arm Squeezed”). Promotion will also occur through intranet banners and in Prevea Press (an internal publication). For patients, Prevea Health Services launched a webpage (available here). In addition, Prevea Health Services will offer high blood pressure educational handouts at each health center, engage followers on social media, feature an article on the campaign in Prevea Family News, place an ad in the Green Bay Press Gazette, and issue a press release for local media.
- PriMed Physicians (OH) [+]
PriMed Physicians’ Hypertension Quality team will be partnering with its Wellness Committee to conduct a Lunch and Learn Opportunity to all of our employees. The objective will be to educate all employees on the factors that impact blood pressure measurements. The event will include a healthy lunch, activity demonstrating the impact various factors have on a blood pressure reading, and distribution of a 2-sided pocket card with information to use to educate others. PriMed Physicians also launched a webpage about the National Day of Action, available here.
- Quincy Medical Group (IL) [+]
As part of National High Blood Pressure Education Month, Quincy Medical Group is educating employees on blood pressure control. A blood pressure specialist will host a presentation for all employees on the importance of knowing your numbers and how to take an accurate blood pressure from the patient perspective. The presentation will include a drawing and anyone who has their blood pressure taken and recorded by the specialist in the month of May will be entered into a contest to win a pass to the local fitness facility. Quincy Medical Group’s Employee Wellness program is offering a wellness point for all employees who attend the presentation or have a blood pressure reading taken and recorded in May. Quincy Medical Group is also leveraging National High Blood Pressure Education Month to announce participation in the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign to the community. As part of its efforts, Quincy Medical Group will launch a Walk-In Blood Pressure Process that is available to anyone in the community, regardless if they are a current patient or a returning patient, without an appointment. The walk-in can receive a free blood pressure measurement and will then be linked to primary care services, either right away or next day, depending on need and BP reading.
- Rio Grande Primary Health Net (TX) [+]
Rio Grande Primary Health Net will host a free blood pressure screening with the themes, “Are you at goal?” and “What’s your number?”
- Riverside Medical Clinic (CA) [+]
Riverside Medical Clinic is encouraging blood pressure screenings for all employees on the National Day of Action. In addition, Riverside Medical Clinic will promote the National Day of Action and blood pressure control on its Facebook page. To further improve control rates among patients, Riverside Medical Clinic will adopt campaign planks 1, 4, and 8.
- Rockford Health Physicians (IL) [+]
Rockford Health Physicians will recognize the National Day of Action by holding free blood pressure screenings on May 15. The free screenings were featured in an article on, available here.
- Scripps Medical Foundation (CA) [+]
Scipps Medical Foundation will educate web visitors with its article, “Why Blood Pressure Matters.” The article will also be featured on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
- Shannon Health System (TX) [+]
Shannon Health System will feature the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and National Day of Action on its social media accounts.
- Springfield Clinic (IL) [+]
Springfield Clinic will promote the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and blood pressure control with social media posts on the National Day of Action.
- Summit Medical Group
(NJ) [+]
“Actions” will focus on two campaign planks that impact both patients and providers. On May 15, Summit Medical Group will add signs to all patient exams rooms about accurate blood pressure measurement (campaign plank 1). In addition, Summit Medical Group will introduce a hypertension algorithm with all medical sub-specialties (with the exception of surgery) to require blood pressure be measured at every visit with follow-up conducted with all patients not at goal, regardless of a diagnosis in their medical record (planks 2 and 8). Summit Medical Group also posted information about high blood pressure and the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign on its website, available here.
- Susquehanna Health
Medical Group (PA) [+]
Susquehanna Health Medical Center will offer blood pressure screenings, educational materials, and giveaways for employees, families, and visitors.
- UnityPoint Health (IA) [+]
UnityPoint Health will help raise awareness of blood pressure control throughout its clinics by posting and distributing the Measure Up/Pressure Down® infographic. UnityPoint Health also developed a short, fun slideshow set to the musical styling of Queen’s “Under Pressure” song that will play in patient waiting areas. In addition, President and CEO Alan Kaplin featured Measure Up/Pressure Down® in a blog post.
- University of Utah
Health Care (UT) [+]
On May 15, University of Utah Health Care will host a blood pressure screening in the main lobby of the hospital with an educational display. In 10 health centers, University of Utah Health Care will feature displays about the National Day of Action and educate patients with educational materials.
- USMD Holdings, Inc.
(TX) [+]
USMD Holdings, Inc. will provide patient education materials in waiting rooms and feature the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign in its employee internal newsletter reaching clinicians and staff.
- Watson Clinic (FL)
Watson Clinic will offer two health fairs and displays with education materials in clinics. The display will change each week during the month of May and feature resources and educational materials from the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign. A letter from the Chief Medical Officer will be distributed about the campaign and encourage participation. Watson Clinic added a web page highlighting blood pressure awareness, healthy lifestyles, and healthy choices to its website, available here. Lastly, a healthy choice lunch will be provided for employees on May 15.
- Weill-Cornell Physician Organization (NY)
Weill-Cornell Physician Organization will host an employee screening at an administrative site. On May 15, doctors and care managers will provide free blood pressure screenings and recommendations based on the readings between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
- Wellmont Medical Associates (TN)
Wellmont Medical Associates will feature the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign and National Day of Action on its social media accounts.
- Westchester Health Associates (NY)
Westchester Health Associates will launch the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign internally during National High Blood Pressure Education Month to improve blood pressure control rates in its patients.
- Wilmington Health
(NC) [+]
Wilmington Health will offer free blood pressure checks at a local outdoor mall by nurses and the Chief Medical Officer. Educational materials, giveaways for correct blood pressure questions answered, and a potential raffle will also engage community members. More information on location and time, as well as participation the in campaign, is available here. Wilmington Health will distribute Measure Up/Pressure Down® materials, including tip sheets, infographic, and Circulation Nation: Your Roadmap to Managing High Blood Pressure patient booklet.
Partner Organizations
- American Heart
Association [+]
The American Heart Association contributed giveaway items to the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign for social media. In addition, Measure Up/Pressure Down® will promote the National Day of Action on the AHA High Blood Pressure Leadership Community blog. The American Heart Association also joined the campaign’s Thunderclap effort on social media.
- American Heart
Association – Mid-Atlantic Affiliate [+]
The American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Affiliate is promoting blood pressure awareness and the Measure Up/Pressure Down® Thunderclap in its weekly “News from American Heart Association” enewsletter and on social media.
- American Kidney Fund
The American Kidney Fund will promote the National Day of Action and blood pressure control by featuring a blog post from the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign on its Kidney Today blog, available here.
- American Stroke Association
The American Stroke Association will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap. Twitter chats (#StrokeChat) will also be hosted throughout May to highlight stroke and its risk factors, including high blood pressure.
- Men’s Health Network
Men’s Health Network will promote the National Day of Action and blood pressure control on its social media channels, feature Measure Up/Pressure Down™ efforts in the Health E-Male newsletter, and post information about high blood pressure on its Talking About Men’s Health Blog. The Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign will contribute blog posts on a quarterly basis. The first post, titled “Do You Know Your Numbers? Why Blood Pressure is Important to Your Well-Being,” is available here.
- Million Hearts®
Million Hearts® will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap.
- Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
The Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap.
- WomenHeart [+]
WomenHeart will promote blood pressure control and the Measure Up/Pressure Down® campaign on social media throughout the month. The organization will also support the Thunderclap for the National Day of Action. Three donations of the “Red Bag of Courage” will be offered as giveaways on Measure Up/Pressure Down® social media channels.
- Ralphs Pharmacy [+]
All Ralphs Pharmacy locations in southern California will host a free blood pressure screening event for pharmacy patients, grocery patrons, employees, and anyone in the community who would like to participate. Pharmacists and/or pharmacy students will provide counseling, including what blood pressure is, what goals the patient should have, adherence to medications (if applicable), and heart-healthy eating habits. Ralphs pharmacists will also offer to share the patient's results with their primary care physician so that communication is continuous among health care providers.
- Withings [+]
Withings will invite all employees at the Cambridge Innovation Center to their office suite to learn more about high blood pressure, measure their own blood pressure with the Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor, and enjoy heart-healthy snacks.
Other Supporters
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.,
Lambda Omega Chapter (VA) [+]
In celebration of National High Blood Pressure Education Month and the National Day of Action, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Lambda Omega Chapter, will host a free blood pressure screening on Saturday, May 24 at New Beginnings Outreach Center in Newport News, Virginia.
- American College of Cardiology (VA) [+]
The American College of Cardiology’s patient education and support program, CardioSmart, will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap.
- American Medical Association [+]
The American Medical Association’s employee blood pressure day is scheduled for the National Day of Action on May 15.
- American Medical
Group Foundation [+]
Created by the American Medical Group Foundation, Measure Up/Pressure Down® is the first disease state addressed by the Chronic Care Challenge. To celebrate the National Day of Action, AMGF will offer free blood pressure screenings to all staff as well as travel to National Day of Action activities hosted by local medical groups, partners, and sponsors. The American Medical Group Foundation also requested and received a Congressional proclamation by Representative James P. Moran, available here.
- Beacon Urgent Care (CA) [+]
Beacon Urgent Care will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap.
- BlueCare Tennessee
In support of the National Day of Action, BlueCare Tennessee will feature Measure Up/Pressure Down® content on its social media channels and website, and distribute patient education materials at office and community events throughout May. To engage employees, BlueCare Tennessee will offer blood pressure screenings in breakrooms and at regional sites, develop a quiz with high blood pressure facts to increase awareness among employees, design red t-shirts for executive and core teams, and provide stickers with the campaign logo for staff. BlueCare Tennessee Customer Service Staff will educate members at the end of each inbound telephone call about the National Day of Action and incorporate a call to action in all outbound call scripts for the day.
- BodyCraft
Fitness/Recreation Supply, Inc. [+]
BodyCraft will support the National Day of Action and National High Blood Pressure Education Month with social media posts throughout the month on Facebook and Pinterest. Posts will educate followers about what high blood pressure is, the risks it poses, and what people can do to prevent and manage it, as well as link to the website.
- Cass County Health Department (MO) [+]
The Cass Country Health Department will provide free blood pressure checks throughout the week, distribute blood pressure educational materials in waiting areas, and promote the National Day of Action daily on its Facebook page.
- Hendersonville Woman’s Club (TN) [+]
Hendersonville Woman’s Club is encouraging its members to get their blood pressure checked on May 15 and promoting the National Day of Action on Facebook and Twitter.
- Mitsui E&P USA, LLC
Mitsui E&P USA, LLC will educate staff about blood pressure during an office presentation.
- Nodaway County Health
Center [+]
Nodaway County Health Center will provide blood pressure screenings and education on a walk-in basis at the Nodaway County Health Department on May 15 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. A resource table will include educational materials, healthy snacks, and giveaways. Nodaway County Health Center will promote the free screenings and National Day of Action with newspaper articles (including this article in the Nodaway News Leader), social media posts, and a banner outside of the health department.
- Prince George’s Community College (MD) [+]
Prince George’s Community College will host a blood pressure event at its health center on the National Day of Action between 11am-2pm. The event will include free screenings for the public and an educational session on blood pressure control.
- U.S. Food and Drug Association
Office of Women’s Health [+]
The FDA’s Office of Women’s Health will raise awareness about blood pressure control and the National Day of Action by joining the campaign’s Thunderclap.
- UnitedHealthcare
Community Plan of Tennessee [+]
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Tennessee will host a blood pressure screening event at the Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center in Nashville, TN. At this screening event, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Tennessee will educate the community on the importance of checking their blood pressure and knowing their numbers.
- Washington County Health
Department [+]
The Washington County Health Department (Hagerstown, Maryland) will host free blood pressure screenings to raise awareness in the community at its Day of Hope event. Community members can learn about keys to preventing high blood pressure and how to control and medicate high blood pressure. The Measure Up/Pressure Down® infographic will be used to educate community members on the dangers of high blood pressure, as well as blood pressure categories.
![]() | Measure Up/Pressure Down® is an initiative of the AMGA and AMGA Foundation |